Composite volume: 30 books bound together.
Binding: full binding; material: sheepskin; the cover is made of the leather from several former covers; the
most recent leather extends of two-third of the spine and of the boards; its decoration technique is
monochromatic dyeing with a geometrical fillet design. The decoration technique on the earlier cover is
monochromatic dyeing (a darker colour) and a design made by different tools; there are ties.
Ownership marks: [Library of the Zhirovitsy Basilian Monastery: inscription fragments]; Библioтека
Литовской Духовной Семинарiи [label].
Microchemical and instrumental analysis : pH – 4,3; Ferric chloride test; positive; Vanillin test: positive;
Nitrous acid test: negative; Rhodanine test: positive; Tannin classes – hydrolyzable and condensed tannins;
ATR-FTIR spectroscopy: gallo- and condensed tannins.