Anotacija, santrauka:
In January of 1941 together with the Lithuanian Academy of Science there was also established
the Library of Academy of Sciences on the ground of the following independent libraries: the National
Public Library of Wróblewski, the Academic Association Library, the Library of Academic Eastern
Europe Research, the Library of Vilnius Pravoslavic Seminary, the Library of Evangelical Reformatory
Synod, the Library of the Polish and French Association and other minor libraries.
The catalogues of the library, as well as the library itself, have gone through a complex pathway.
In 1950 there was set an alphabetical book catalogue which was comprised of two catalogues: publications
in Latin and Cyrillic. Periodical publications were also put into analogical new catalogues.
Alongside with the filling of new publications the old library keepings were started to be recatalogued.
In the first place the Lithuanian literature was rearranged, then it came up to the Russian literature
and finally, to the new foreign literature (published after 1945). The old foreign literature was being
rearranged in the last stage. Apart from the alphabetical catalogues the clasificd catalogue was also
being arranged. The accomplished rccataloguing of the library's acquisitions was a huge work which
demanded much effort and time from the staff. It lasted for 36 years and had been done by several
generations of the library's staff.