Throughout all his conscious life T. Wróblewski (1858-1925) was interested in policy, social and
polytical ideas. In his student years T. Wróblewski was a member of illegal socialist organization and
for a short period of time was exiled to Siberia. Having graduated from the university of Peterburg,
faculty of law, without attending lectures he started private practice as a solicitor in the capital the
Russian Empire. In 1891 he returned to his native Vilnius becoming a solicitor of the city and an
active public man of the Polish community.
The first Russian revolution enabled T. Wróblewski to join polytical activities. In 1906 he
candidated to the lower palace of the Russian parliament (State duma). At that time he was supported
by the representatives of all Polish trends, because in multinational Vilnius known for his tolerance in
the sphere of national relationships Wróblewski was feeling having chances to win. However, elected
was a representative of the Jewish community backed up by a small number of electors - Lithuanians.
T. Wróblewski remaind alient to national egoism, was trying to make the conflicts between the Poles
and Lithuanians easier.
After restoration of independent Polish state T. Wróblewski did not return to polytical activity.
Patrioticaly-minded Polish public men did not approve his standpoint in the sphere of national
relations considering it harmful to the interests of the state. T. Wróblewski was not invited to lecture
at the University of Vilnius re-opened in 1919. A group Polish inteligentsia, the so-called krajowcy,
having, however, little influence, were holding views similar to him.