Publikacijoje pristatoma Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos Rankraščių skyriuje (toliau – LMAVB RS) saugoma nežinomo autoriaus Prakalba lietuviškai gramatikai. Publikacijos tikslas – nustatyti galimą šio rankraštinio dokumento autorių. Manoma, jog tai žymus kalbininkas Kazimieras Jaunius (1848–1908).
This article presents a manuscript written by a linguist active in the late 19th century. This Lithuanian document is written in the Samogitian dialect and entitled Prakalba (Preface). The article aims to identify a possible author of this document. The manuscript may perhaps have served as a preface to a Lithuanian grammar textbook which could have been written by a linguist active in the late 19th century Kazimieras Jaunius (1848–1908).